After overdrawing her bank account many times and receiving kind donations from the community and her sons, Paula Deen was able to open her first official restaurant called The Lady and Sons. The rest is history.
Ty Burrel: The Eating Establishment
Ty Burrel is a huge supporter of the Park City, Utah food scene, so much so that he recently purchased the oldest restaurant in town and spruced it up with the most vintage stuff he could find. The Eating Establishment has been around since 1934, and the inhabitants of Park City, Utah have an extremely high standard for what to expect when stepping through those doors.
Burrel isn’t much of a restauranteur, but he does love his hometown. Preserving one of the oldest and most important relics in the small city became his life mission.
Pharrell: Swan and Bar Bevy
So, Swan is a small pop-down restaurant in Bar Bevy, which is a year-round classic French bar. Pharell designs menus to be carried out by the Swan team every once in a while. He’s not much of a restaurant owner, but more of an event host and coordinator.