Huge Landmarks
Russia occupies over 10% of the land on Earth. With that, they have some of the biggest natural landmarks in the world. The Vola Riber flowers from central Russia to the Caspian Sea and is the biggest river on the continent. Lake Baikal in Serbia is the world's deepest lake, which holds 20% of the Earth's water supply. Lake Elton is Europe's largest saltwater lake and the Sarykum Dune in Dagestan is Eurasia's biggest sand dune.
The Famous Non-Moving Clock
There is a clock in the White Dining Room in the Hermitage Palace that's primary function is to remind viewers of a historical point in time. The clock reads 2:10 AM, which represents the time that the Bolsheviks arrested Russia's provisional government. On Oct. 25, 1917, at 2:10 AM, Russia became a communist country.