These Bizarre Phenomenons Prove That Reality Is Stranger Than Fiction

Professional Face Feelers

If you're a professional face feeler, you better not mind getting up close and personal with strangers. Face feelers, also referred to as "sensory scientists," make quite an unconventional living. From facial cleansers to sharp-edged razors, professional face feelers use their tactile senses to test personal care products. What does this mean? Well, they touch the faces of consumers who are testing a product, which allows them to determine the product's effectiveness.

Sensory Scientists

"Sensory scientists are trained experts who are able to form an objective opinion about a product, "says Judy Heylmun, a sensory scientist who has worked in the field for over 35 years. Heylmun also serves as the president of Fore Sense + One, a company that focuses on product sensory research. Sensory research candidates undergo acuity screening to gauge their tactile sensitivity and their ability to perceive minuscule differences in the skin.

"When you’re screening, you ask [candidates] questions like, 'Are you available? Do you have hands?'" said Heylmun. "You obviously need to make sure they have fingers and hands."

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The More You Know

  • The Nobel Committee declined to award the Nobel Peace Prize in 1948 because "there was no suitable living candidate." This was meant as tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, who was assassinated earlier that year without receiving the Prize.
  • The speed of a computer mouse is measured in "Mickeys."
  • The stars and flashes of light you see when you rub your eyes are called "phosphenes."
  • The average golf ball has 336 dimples.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.