Raccoon Dogs
Yes, you read that correctly. It's the best of both worlds... well, sort of. This adorable-looking creature is a wild dog that looks more like a raccoon than a pooch. They actually have no discernible ancestral link to raccoons. Instead, the raccoon dog is mostly related to foxes and wolves. You can technically adopt one at the animal market in Clitheroe, Lancashire for only £60—but the RSPCA really would prefer if you abstained.
Exotic Pet
They may look cute and fluffy, but raccoon dogs are responsible for wiping out native species like frogs and toads. They also can carry potentially fatal parasites, like hookworms, flatworms, and a deadly fox tapeworm. During the winter, raccoon dogs go into a type of hibernation. They don't particularly enjoy being kept in cages or houses. This means that when owners grow sick of their new exotic pet, the raccoon dogs are often released into the countryside—where, as a result of rapid breeding, total destruction of the surrounding wildlife may occur.