These Are The Most Pause-Worthy Movie Scenes

The Wizard of Oz

This classic film is shrouded in controversy. In the last scene, one paused quite frequently, it was rumored that there is a munchkin hanging from a tree in the background, but the studio claims it was a large bird that got free onset. It's far more likely that this huge blot in the screen is a person.

The Simpsons

Did you ever notice that all of the characters on The Simpsons only have four fingers? Well, there is one exception. God is the only Simpsons character that has five fingers. It's one of those Easter eggs that you'd probably never figure out unless you were really paying attention.

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The More You Know

  • A famous ‘Pulp Fiction’ shot was filmed in reverse
  • Original drawings for Iron Man’s suit contained roller blades!
  • Michael Fassbender had makeup artists put alcohol on his mustache for a role.
  • When filming Chinatown Jack Nicholson was dating Anjelica Huston, the daughter of his screen nemesis John Huston.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.