These Are The Most Pause-Worthy Movie Scenes


In this '80s film, Tron filmmakers decided to throw in an easily-missed Easter Egg. There's one moment where a character is looking at an electronic map, and you can see Pac-man eating his dots. How funny is that!

The Little Mermaid

It seems like there’s always something inappropriate about a Disney film because, if the target audience is children, give the parents who have to watch as well something to laugh at. In The Little Mermaid, during the wedding scene, the priest that marries the couple is a little…well…excited. Once you see it, it's hard to miss.

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The More You Know

  • Iron Man first appeared in the Marvel Comic “Tales of Suspense” in 1963.
  • A famous ‘Pulp Fiction’ shot was filmed in reverse
  • Beck Hansen wrote and composed the music played by the fictional band S*x Bob-omb in the movie "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World".
  • Paranormal Activity cost $15000 to make and has grossed $210 million so far.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.