These Are The Most Pause-Worthy Movie Scenes

Fight Club

“Fight Club” is based on the novel of the same name by Chuck Palahniuk. David Fincher’s adaptation is filled with Easter Eggs, one of which shows Brad Pitts's character in the background before he is even introduced in the movie. The film is an adventure from start to finish with the only rule being: don't talk about Fight Club!

The Wolf of Wall Street

Though the star of the film is arguably Leonardo DiCaprio, audiences are first introduced to Margot Robbie. She plays his stylish wife, and the most-paused scene in this movie is when she seduces him and ultimately leaves him wanting more. Rule number one ladies.

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The More You Know

  • Bela Lugosi was buried in full Dracula costume—cape and all.
  • In the movie 'The Hangover', no effects or prosthetics were created for Stu's missing tooth. Actor Ed Helms never had an adult incisor grow, and his fake incisor was taken out for the parts of filming where Stu's tooth is missing.
  • Peter O’Toole was nominated for eight performance Oscars and didn’t win a single one.
  • George Clooney had a keg of Guinness installed in his dressing room whilst filming Ocean's Eleven.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.