The World's First Happiness Museum Opens In Copenhagen

The Happiness Research Institute has officially opened its most wholesome project yet-- The Happiness Museum! According to their mission statement, the Institute strives "to inform decision-makers of the causes and effects of human happiness, make subjective well-being part of the public policy debate, and improve [the] overall quality of life for citizens across the world." For some, that education begins in their Copenhagen gallery. 

"I think people imagine that the Institute is like a magical place, a room full of puppies or ice cream—but we are just eight people sitting in front of computers looking at data," said CEO Meik Wiking in an interview with CNN. "We thought, why don’t we create a place where people can experience happiness from different perspectives and give them an exhibition where they can become a little bit wiser around some of the questions we try to solve?"

The location is filled with artifacts that represent happiness in all sorts of cultures and countries. The area is 2,585 square feet and has a current maximum capacity of 50. Inside, visitors can explore happiness within unique cultures over the course of history, how it changed in definition, and how people express it today. For anyone loking for a sprinkle of joy in such strange times, this is the place to go!

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