Airline Puts Pilot in Dangerous Position—and It Results in Disaster

However, the Reality is Still Dangerous

Although, no matter what your chances of getting hurt are, there is always the potential to be in a sticky, unpredictable situation. Accidents happen constantly, but you cannot live a healthy life without assuming some sort of risk. If you want to leave your home, you need to shoulder that fact...

Life is Risky

Especially right now, life is risky. But, if you follow predetermined guidelines on how to keep yourself and others safe, things should theoretically be fine. Always wear your seatbelt, wear a mask when you're in public, and treat others the way you want to be treated...

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The More You Know

  • Parts of the Great Wall of China were made with sticky rice.
  • Beavers have transparent eyelids so they can see underwater.
  • In 1567, the man said to have the longest beard in the world died after he tripped over his beard running away from a fire.
  • Bubble wrap was originally designed to be used as wallpaper.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.