What On Earth Were These Celebrities Thinking When They Named Their Kids?

Future Zahir Wilburn

Future Zahir Wilburn is the child of singer Ciara and rapper Future. They agreed to name their son after his father, but they didn't stay together long. Now, Ciara is married to football player Russell Wilson. 

Indiana August

Casey Affleck and his ex-wife Summer Phoenix have two children, one of which is named Indiana August. Both parents also have famous siblings. Casey's brother is actor Ben Affleck. Summer is the sister of actors Joaquin and the late River Phoenix.

Indiana August

Casey Affleck and his ex-wife Summer Phoenix have two children, one of which is named Indiana August. Both parents also have famous siblings. Casey's brother is actor Ben Affleck. Summer is the sister of actors Joaquin and the late River Phoenix.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.