What Happens When You Morph Two Celebrities Together?

Colin Firth and Robert Downey Jr

Colin Firth is popular for his roles in Bridget Jones's Diary, The Kings Speech, and Love Actually. Robert Downey Jr. is obviously Iron Man. Firth is the heartthrob for the older generation, while RDJ is an evergreen heartthrob. Together, they actually just make a pretty normal-looking man. 

Taron Egerton and Hugh Jackman

Taron Egerton landed the role of a lifetime as Elton John in Rocketman. Fans and critics alike loved his performance! Hugh Jackman has popularly played Wolverine, so these two couldn't be more different. This photo basically took Egerton's face and jawline and morphed it with Jackman's eyes and nose.

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The More You Know

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  • Kanye West used to work at the Gap.
  • Tom Cruise has an asymmetrical face.
  • Jennifer Lawrence has an "H2O" tattoo to remind her to drink more water.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.