Washington Man Discovers a Mysterious Extraterrestrial Bottomless Pit Right in His Backyard

Dropping In

The trio didn't buy 15 miles worth of fishing line, but they did bring a Go-Pro and 5 miles worth of nylon rope. They planned on dropping the camera into the hole and lowering it down so they could see into it. However, they were asked to leave the property promptly after the rope reached its end...

Deep Down

The hole was seemingly bottomless. The young men were actually shocked that something like this existed on Earth. For some reason, the ramblings of a non-existent conspiracy theorist were actually backed in fact for the first time in history...

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The More You Know

  • Great white sharks are so scared of killer whales that they'll avoid an area for up to a year after spotting one.
  • When Boris Yeltsin met President Clinton in 1995, his first question was "Do you think O.J. did it?"
  • You can survive being in outer space without permanent damage for about half a minute.
  • Chihuahuas have the biggest brains in the canine world.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.