Unbelievable Secrets About the Infamous Playboy Mansion Finally Revealed

Uh, Oh, Luke Wilson Incoming

You may think you know Luke Wilson (or you may know his more famous brother, Owen Wilson), but you definitely don't know that he was a party hound earlier in his career. Before he rounded out his face and relaxed his haircut, Luke Wilson's lifestyle reflected his appearance. He partied like a finance bro at an open bar.

Lo and Behold

One night, Luke and his buddy were hitting the sauce pretty hard. They decided that they were going to show up at the Playboy Mansion and try to use Luke's celebrity status to get in. It didn't work. After trying to lie and say that the buddy he came with was his brother, Owen Wilson, he received an 18-month ban from the mansion. 

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.