This Man's Strange Medical Condition Gave Him Tree Branches For Arms

Carcinoma Skin

“Carcinoma” is the name of malignant skin tumors that develops on the skin of EV patients. Squamous cell carcinoma (either situ or invasive), develop at a frequency of 30-70% these patients., Usually, it shows up on sun-exposed areas of the body and begins between ages 20 and 40. The HPV infection is bad no matter what, but for some, it can mean something much worse...

Unbearable Weight

The warts and growths on Bajandar were not only unpleasant in appearance, but they also gave him immense and uncontrollable pain, not numbed by any medications. In a 2017 article from The Guardian, Bajandar described the sensation as “unbearable.” Not only that, but the growths were very weighted. They were heavy enough to add about 11 pounds to his body mass, but things would soon change...

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.