Actors Who Were Supposed To Be The Next Big Thing But Fizzled Out

Carrie-Anne Moss

Best known for her role as Trinity in The Matrix, Carrie-Anne Moss has managed to evade the spotlight despite portraying such a stellar role. Because of it, she got to star alongside Keanu Reeves for years. The sci-fi series launched her into fame, and before that, Moss had essentially no background in acting. 

Occasional Netflix Movies

Since The Matrix, Moss hasn't landed any hard-hitting roles. She plays various characters in Netflix Marvel shows. Currently, she's reprised her role in Jessica Jones.

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The More You Know

  • Original drawings for Iron Man’s suit contained roller blades!
  • It took only 8 days to film "The Blair Witch Project".
  • Paul Schrader wrote Taxi Driver in five days. It is rumoured he had a loaded gun by his desk for “inspiration and motivation”.
  • During the filming of the movie Titanic, an angry crew member put PCP in James Cameron’s soup, sending him and 50 others to the hospital.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.