These Vintage Ads Would Instantly Be Banned Today

Where Is That, Exactly...?

Keep your girlfriend where she belongs: inside of your shoes. Maybe in the 1950s "girlfriend" was another word for "socks."

Not Anymore

Imagine an ad like this running today. More importantly, imagine sleeping in a button-down shirt and tie. What a loser. Get your own breakfast, weirdo.

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The More You Know

  • 78% of NFL players undergo financial crisis by 2 years of retirement.
  • Doctors' sloppy handwriting kills more than 7,000 people annually in the United States.
  • Honey is essentially bee vomit.
  • Scorpions are incredibly resilient: scientists have frozen scorpions overnight, left them in the sun the following day, and when thawed, the arthropod walked away unscathed.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.