These Are The Most Pause-Worthy Movie Scenes

Never Been Kissed

In the “famous couples” prom scene, a pregnant Mary and Joseph try to sit at Kirsten’s table, but she tells them there’s no room for them. That's a direct Biblical reference to there not being any room at the Inn during the birth of Jesus. A more on-the-nose Easter egg, but a fun one nonetheless. 

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

While this is so far unproven, there’s a theory from the silent scene with Rey and an older Luke Skywalker that a gravestone can be seen in the background. Who does it belong to? Only true Star Wars fans could possibly have any theories.

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The More You Know

  • The Hulk made his debut in 1962.
  • The names of the taxi driver and the policeman in everybody’s favourite Yuletide outing, It’s A Wonderful Life, are Bert and Ernie. The writers working on Sesame Street at the time claim it’s merely a coincidence.
  • Samuel L. Jackson has a clause in his film contracts that allows him to play golf during film shoots whenever he wants.
  • Walt Disney refused to allow Alfred Hitchcock to film at Disneyland in the early 1960s because he had made “that disgusting movie Psycho.”
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.