These Are the Most Overrated Movies of All Time

The Goonies

Critics have primarily chosen to ignore The Goonies in modern times, but nowadays, this movie deserves a bit more scrutiny. Just because a movie is nostalgic doesn't mean that it's immune to critique due to the fact that it perpetuated harmful stereotypes as part of the outright plot. That and the movie is supremely difficult to follow. 

Mulholland Drive

People like to think that David Lynch is untouchable because he made season one of Twin Peaks. But, in reality, Lynch deserves just as much if not more criticism than most other filmmakers. James Rocchi recently called out critics that claim to have loved the movie, challenging them to think about how boring and unnecessarily experimental it is. 

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The More You Know

  • The Lion King was originally known as King of the Jungle until someone at Disney finally remembered that lions don’t actually live in jungles.
  • During the filming of the movie Titanic, an angry crew member put PCP in James Cameron’s soup, sending him and 50 others to the hospital.
  • Enya was James Cameron’s first choice to compose the music for Titanic.
  • During the filming of Snow Buddies (an ‘Air Bud’ spinoff), five puppies died.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.