These Are the Most Overrated Movies of All Time

A Clockwork Orange

Plenty of critics believe that A Clockwork Orange missed the mark on the intention of the book, but was celebrated for its graphic nature and the horrible personality of the main character. Plenty of individuals believe that A Clockwork Orange is an unnecessarily artsy snooze-fest that lacks substance outside of shock value. 

Lost in Translation

Most Bill Murray movies receive overwhelmingly positive reviews but Lost in Translation polarized the usual critics. Some loved it, some hated it, but for the most part, all critics agree that Murray and Scarlett Johansson didn't "sell" their characters. Who could blame them though? 

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The More You Know

  • For 'Fight Club' (1999), Brad Pitt had pieces of his front teeth chipped off to play Tyler Durden. He also took soap-making classes, boxing, taekwondo, and grappling lessons with Edward Norton to prepare for the role.
  • "E.T." and "Poltergeist" started from the same script.
  • The first toilet did not flush on the American big screen until 1960
  • During the filming of the movie Titanic, an angry crew member put PCP in James Cameron’s soup, sending him and 50 others to the hospital.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.