These Are The Best Bad Movies Ever Made

Howard the Duck

Not every legend has a perfect past. Take, for example, this movie which was first envisioned by George Lucas of Star Wars fame. Lea Thompson said she took the next movie she was offered just so she could get a single step away from letting her romance with a talking duck tank her acting career permanently. Yikes!

Maximum Overdrive

Stephen King stepped into the director's seat for this adaptation of one of his stories, but maybe he should have stuck to the books. This campy creation left critics and fans unsatisfied but has become a cult classic in the years since. If you love over-the-top gore and corny dialogue, this might be the perfect addition to movie night...

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The More You Know

  • The code in "The Matrix" comes from sushi recipes.
  • Jackie Chan voiced the Beast in the Chinese dub of The Beauty And The Beast.
  • Executive producer of Toy Story and Chief Pixar shareholder Steve Jobs picked Bob Dylan as his first choice to write and perform the soundtrack to the film over Randy Newman.
  • Movie trailers were originally shown after the movie, which is why they’re called “trailers.”
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.