These Are The Best Bad Movies Ever Made

Some movies are bad, but some movies are so bad that they're almost good. Whether you've seen The Room more times than you can count, or prefer High School Musical to any other film, these are the best movies that are also really, really terrible...


In 1998, this Japanese franchise was adapted into a movie, and the world has never forgiven the industry for what they released. Matthew Broderick, Hank Azaria, and Harry Shearer star in this film that boasts a shoestring plot, weak special effects, and a 16% on Rotten Tomatoes. but hey, who doesn't like a big lizard?

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The More You Know

  • Viggo Mortensen had no intention of working on The Lord of the Rings until his son begged him to do it.
  • The first-ever animated film to be nominated for Best Picture was Beauty and the Beast in 1981
  • The first toilet did not flush on the American big screen until 1960
  • The mask used in Halloween is a modified Star Trek William Shatner mask.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.