Wicked Witch of the West- The Wizard of Oz
Compared to her sister, the Wicked Witch of the West is a princess. However, when her sister was killed by Dorethey's hot air balloon killed her only blood relative that she liked, she knew she had to exact her revenge. Margaret Hamilton played a flawless role as this anti-hero that ended up melting (haha get it?) the hearts of those who felt empathetic towards her trivial struggle.
Emma Frost- X-Men: First Class
Emma Frost is continually criticized for being a character that represents women poorly in movies. However, some believe that her superpowers are actually representations of empowerment for women in films, and that more people should think deeper about the implications of their actions and thoughts. Emma Frost is one of the most dangerous X-Men villains of all time, and shes definitely the best dressed.