American Traditions That Confuse The Rest of the World

Laws Between State Lines

Unlike other countries, the laws change between US state lines, and that doesn't make much sense. There should be continuity within one country, but that isn't the case within the United States. A crime committed in Pennsylvania could result in a warning there, or years in prison somewhere else.

Talking Loudly

Americans are known for being stereotypically loud talkers. They tend to overpower conversations and take obnoxious phone calls in public spaces like busses or cafes. It seems to be a national problem that other countries don't seem to have.

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The More You Know

  • Fear of the number 13 is called triskaidekaphobia.
  • Facebook has more users than many major populations.
  • In 2009, Burger King launched a campaign that if you unfriended 10 friends on Facebook, you were entitled to a free Whopper. The person you unfriended would get a message telling them that their friendship is worth less than a Whopper.
  • An 11-year-old is responsible for naming Pluto.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.