The Weirdest Law In Each US State


In Oklahoma, tripping a horse is prohibited. You cannot engage or be employed at a horse tripping event. In other news, horse tripping events actually existed at one point. 


Most people assume that you can only hunt on hunting grounds... Apparently, folks in Oregon have to be told where to hunt! It was made illegal to hunt in the Beaver State after a hunter was found harvesting an animal on cemetery grounds. 

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The More You Know

  • The word "kimono" means "a thing to wear."
  • The shortest scientific –ology word is "oology."
  • For 67 consecutive years, Mary was America's most popular female baby name. Linda broke the streak in 1947.
  • It costs the U.S. Mint almost twice as much to mint each penny and nickel as the coins are actually worth. Taxpayers lost over $100 million in 2013 just through the coins being made.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.