The Unexpected Rules and Customs of the Amish Community

A Housewife's Job

Amish women are typically kept at home doing housework. Young girls are always at their mother's side during the day while they are taught to do housework. Most decisions of the house are made by the husbands.

In the Media

There have been many shows talking about what Amish in the media. Shows like Breaking Amish, Amish Mafia, and Return to Amish have been featured on television. Many people outside of the community are curious as to how Amish folk lives. The Amish are pretty private, even those who consented to be on the TV shows.

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The More You Know

  • The smallest bone in your body is in your ear.
  • The Canary Islands are named after dogs, not birds.
  • A blue whale's tongue weighs as much as an elephant.
  • Both volleyball and basketball were invented in Massachusetts.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.