The True Love Story That Inspired “Titanic” Will Leave You in Tears

A Fitting Name

Their one and only daughter was born on February 4th, 1913. She was named Sybil Marion, after her closest friend during these trying times. The couple was happy to give her the name, but Kate wasn’t happy in her new home. Kate had what doctors now recognize as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), undergoing terrible nightmares and restlessness. She hated California and missed her family dearly…


Samuel surprised his beloved by also paying to bring Kate’s sister over to live in San Diego with them. Kate was overjoyed, and this helped out her homesickness tremendously. The trio later moved to Santa Monica, CA. As their child grew up, Kate and Samuel moved to Pasadena, CA to be with their now-adult daughter. Sybil married a man named David Lane and had one child, Ronald…

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The More You Know

  • During World War 2, a bear named Wotjek joined the Polish army. He carried ammunition and occasionally drank beer.
  • A pack of chihuahuas once terrorized a town in Arizona.
  • Warren Buffett has only sent one email in his life. It was sent to Jeff Raikes of Microsoft, and Buffett said it became his first and last email when it ended up in court.
  • It costs the U.S. Mint almost twice as much to mint each penny and nickel as the coins are actually worth. Taxpayers lost over $100 million in 2013 just through the coins being made.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.