The Top Classic Movies From The Last Century

Vertigo (1958)

Alfred Hitchcock has tons of famous and popular movies, and Vertigo is definitely one for the ages. This film follows an ex-police officer who is hired to try and prevent his friend's wife from committing suicide. In true Hitchcockian fashion, this case is not what it seems.

Vertigo is definitely considered one of his masterworks. The banter between the characters and the constant twists and turns in the storyline make this an evergreen movie that generations of folks can enjoy. 

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The More You Know

  • The Dark Knight made more money in its first six days in the US than Batman Begins made in its entire domestic run.
  • The first toilet did not flush on the American big screen until 1960
  • Within 3 days of release The Hunger Games has become the highest grossing film for production company Lionsgate.
  • The bridge blown up by Eli Wallach and Clint Eastwood in The Good, The Bad and The Ugly was prematurely detonated by a Spanish Army Captain. Upon learning of his mistake the Captain ordered his troops to rebuild the bridge, only for it to suffer another explosion once complete.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.