The Secrets Hidden in China's Abandoned Disneyland are Terrifying

Wonderland's New Story

When videographer Catherine Hyland visited Wonderland, she said "tamed by the locals, the uncompleted remnants of Wonderland become the antithesis of everything it was supposed to be, its value altered permanently." But whether or not those changes would be permanent were up for debate...

Its Most Menacing Structure

One of the creepiest and most forboding remnants of the park was the empty food court. The completely bare-bones rusted iron beams give off a skeletal and haunted feeling. It stands as a decrepit reminder of what could have been...

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The More You Know

  • You make approximately a teaspoon of tears per hour.
  • There are around 2,000 thunderstorms happening on Earth at all times.
  • Will Smith turned down the role of Neo in the Matrix. He starred in Wild Wild West instead.
  • Virginia is the only state that has the same state flower and state tree, the Dogwood.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.