The Secrets Hidden in China's Abandoned Disneyland are Terrifying

Some Disturbing Finds

Of course, looters found some unsettling artifacts. There were several demonic statues and redecorated magazines. Everything about the sight was strange. Were children meant to see these things?

Tarnished Pasts

Much like Beijing's Wonderland, Jackson's Neverland will never reopen. With a backstory like both of these wannabe historical sites, there's no way either would be suitable for guests. Who knows, maybe Neverland will be repurposed into a shopping mall like Wonderland was. 

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The More You Know

  • The average person walks the equivalent of five times around the world in their lifetime.
  • Hippos have the largest mouths of any animal on land.
  • A team of six women programmed the first digital computer.
  • Tarantula bites are about as painful as bee stings.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.