The Most Rewatchable Teen Movies Out There

Footloose - 1984

Kevin Bacon plays a Chicago transplant who is in shock when he finds out that the new Midwestern town he has moved to has made dancing and rock music illegal. He struggles to change things in hopes of loosening up his conservative town. He runs into many obstacles, including his religious and influential father. 

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 - 2011

In the final rendition of the Harry Potter series, the gang clashes between good and evil as they prepare for their final battle against Lord Voldemort. The entire series has led up to the moment of the epic showdown between Harry and Voldemort. This film is the top-grossing film in the entire franchise. 

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The More You Know

  • Inspiration for the Hulk came from Frankenstein’s monster.
  • In Saving Private Ryan, all of the main cast were given basic military training except Matt Damon, in the hope that the cast would build a resentment towards him necessary for the role.
  • "E.T." and "Poltergeist" started from the same script.
  • The Terminator script was sold for a dollar.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.