The Most Beloved Romantic Comedies Ever Made

This film is Jenny Slate's first lead-feature film. She is a struggling stand-up comedian who gets broken up with by her boyfriend and falls in love with a one-night stand. Obvious Child isn't the cutesy, gossipy drama you'd think, but explores some scary paths that are still relatable and funny.

Belle Epoque (1992)

Belle Epoque has its characters fall in love just days before the Spanish Civil War unfolds. It follows a young war-deserter who stays with an old-soul artist in the eerie countryside. Naturally, he ends up seducing three of the artist's four daughters. The drama is already there!

The storyline seems grim, but it's humorous to watch these young people try and navigate a difficult time in their country with each other. Plus, the film features a very young Penelope Cruz.

High Fidelity (2000)

John Cusack is in the spotlight of this film. He plays a nerdy music geek who is stuck in his past relationships. He's basically got a carousel of women who look in and out of his life as they struggle to get him to grow up.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.