The Curious Case of The Man With Two Sets of DNA

Trouble in Anchorage

A single man broke into a storage facility early in the morning in Anchorage. He was caught on CCTV, but his face was completely indiscernible because he was wearing a mask at the time of the robbery. The thief got away with just over $15,000 in cash, however, he left a small indicator at the scene that would have led the police right to him, if it was uniquely his. 

How Could That Be?

The robber left a bit of skin on the sharp hinge of a lockbox, presumably, he cut himself while taking the cash out and didn’t think about retrieving his DNA before he left the scene of the crime. This DNA would have completely sealed the case if it were actually useful in the court system. When the DNA evidence came back from the lab, it indicated that the person who left their skin at the scene of the crime had been locked in jail for the past 3 years, and he was confirmed to be in his cell, via CCTV footage, throughout the duration of the robbery itself…

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.