Trouble's Brewing
Long’s doctors urged him to get a vasectomy since he did not want to pass on the Irishman’s genes. However, after the vasectomy, the doctors discovered something strange. According to lab results, 100% of the Irishman's DNA showed up in his biopsy. So, in theory, the child that Long would have had would have been a potential 50/50 split of his DNA and the Irishman’s…
Not Who You Think You Are
This was discovered to have been caused by the white blood cells in Long’s system. Although these cells do not have the ability to rewrite someone’s DNA, if they are strong enough (like in the case of a bone marrow transplant), they can slowly take over a person’s lymphatic system. This isn’t a bad thing, in fact in most cases it’s extremely necessary, but in that instance, a person can become someone else…