This Is The Hardest Trivia Quiz You'll Ever Take

These insanely hard trivia questions will have you racking your brain back to high school. Think of every history lesson you've sat through, every movie you've ever seen, and every math problem you've ever solved. This one will surely stump you...

How many earth years does it take Neptune to orbit the sun?


If you think way back to junior high astrology class, you'lll remember that it takes Neptune nearly 165 earth years to orbit the sun. That's not something we'll ever see in our own lifetimes.


You chose:

If you think way back to junior high astrology class, you'lll remember that it takes Neptune nearly 165 earth years to orbit the sun. That's not something we'll ever see in our own lifetimes.

In terms of land area, what is the smallest capital city in the world?


Vatican City actually also counts as its own country as well as its own capital city. The home of the Pope is situated in the heart of Rome behind huge towering walls.


You chose:

Vatican City actually also counts as its own country as well as its own capital city. The home of the Pope is situated in the heart of Rome behind huge towering walls.

Where did the Battle of Hastings take place?


This is an easy one to confuse. The Battle of Hastings did not take place in Hastings, but rather the small town of Battle, near East Sussex, England.


You chose:

This is an easy one to confuse. The Battle of Hastings did not take place in Hastings, but rather the small town of Battle, near East Sussex, England.

Which number is the white car covering?


If you just flip the image, you'll realize the numbers are increasing by one starting with 86. Logically, the correct answer is 87.


You chose:

If you just flip the image, you'll realize the numbers are increasing by one starting with 86. Logically, the correct answer is 87.

Which sentence is correct?


A key rule of grammar: always place an apostrope after a number to signify its plural. 


You chose:

A key rule of grammar: always place an apostrope after a number to signify its plural. 

How long is a light year?


A light year isn't actually a measure of time, but rather distance.


You chose:

A light year isn't actually a measure of time, but rather distance.

In centimeters, how tall is the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro?


Whoever took the time to measure this enormous statue in centimeters deserves an award. Or 3,800 awards.


You chose:

Whoever took the time to measure this enormous statue in centimeters deserves an award. Or 3,800 awards.

Which country does this flag represent?


If you guessed Switzerland, you would have been close. Georgia also uses the red and white cross design on its flag.


You chose:

If you guessed Switzerland, you would have been close. Georgia also uses the red and white cross design on its flag.

What was Pablo Picasso's art style called?


Picasso is one of the only painters to truly master the unique style of Cubism, and its trademark features are the implementation of various shapes to create a bigger picture.


You chose:

Picasso is one of the only painters to truly master the unique style of Cubism, and its trademark features are the implementation of various shapes to create a bigger picture.

Which of the following is not a low-level cloud?


You can typically find Cirrus clouds high up in the sky and are the ones you see out airplane windows. They're thin and wispy, while low-level clouds are large and billowy.


You chose:

You can typically find Cirrus clouds high up in the sky and are the ones you see out airplane windows. They're thin and wispy, while low-level clouds are large and billowy.

 In which sport are barani, rudolph and randolph all techniques?


If these terms were unfamiliar to you, you'd better hop on the nearest trampoline and try out these moves.


You chose:

If these terms were unfamiliar to you, you'd better hop on the nearest trampoline and try out these moves.

What role do Atropos, Lachesis and Clotho play in Greek mythology?


If you watched the Disney film Hercules, you'll be familiar with The Fates, who prophesized his destiny and played the same role in mythology.


You chose:

If you watched the Disney film Hercules, you'll be familiar with The Fates, who prophesized his destiny and played the same role in mythology.

Which painting did Vincent Van Gogh sell during his lifetime?


Believe it or not, Van Gogh's only sale was a painting that is not even famous. It's not likely you've ever seen The Red Vineyards near Arles, but it's stunning.


You chose:

Believe it or not, Van Gogh's only sale was a painting that is not even famous. It's not likely you've ever seen The Red Vineyards near Arles, but it's stunning.

What was the first movie to be rated PG-13?


This Communist-themed war-era film earned itself the first PG-13 rating ever, and Red Dawn also features an all-star cast. Patrick Swayze, Charlie Sheen, and Harry Dean Stanton play a family escaping their Colorado town after it's been invaded by Soviet soldiers.


You chose:

This Communist-themed war-era film earned itself the first PG-13 rating ever, and Red Dawn also features an all-star cast. Patrick Swayze, Charlie Sheen, and Harry Dean Stanton play a family escaping their Colorado town after it's been invaded by Soviet soldiers.

Where did John Hughes set most of his films?


If you've ever seen Sixteen Candles, Home Alone, The Breakfast Club, or any other John Hughes film, you'll know that Shermer, Illinois is the staple setting. He made up the midwestern town because he envisioned all of his characters living in the same universe in a town that resembled the one he grew up in. 


You chose:

If you've ever seen Sixteen Candles, Home Alone, The Breakfast Club, or any other John Hughes film, you'll know that Shermer, Illinois is the staple setting. He made up the midwestern town because he envisioned all of his characters living in the same universe in a town that resembled the one he grew up in. 

What geothermal Icelandic landmark has the same name as a famous 1980 movie?


Any die-hard 80s movie fan will remember the classic Brooke Shields and Christopher Atkins picture "The Blue Lagoon." The two were young teens at the time and they can thank their enormous careers to the dessert island tale.


You chose:

Any die-hard 80s movie fan will remember the classic Brooke Shields and Christopher Atkins picture "The Blue Lagoon." The two were young teens at the time and they can thank their enormous careers to the dessert island tale.

Which land animal has the largest eyes?


You'd think the larger the animal, the larger the eye, right? Wrong! The elephant doesn't win this one. Ostriches, the largest species of bird, is also the animal with the largest eyeballs.


You chose:

You'd think the larger the animal, the larger the eye, right? Wrong! The elephant doesn't win this one. Ostriches, the largest species of bird, is also the animal with the largest eyeballs.

Which continent has hosted the Olympics the most times?


The famous games have been hosted in Europe more times than any other continent so far. The next games are to be held in Tokyo in 2021.


You chose:

The famous games have been hosted in Europe more times than any other continent so far. The next games are to be held in Tokyo in 2021.

In what year was Napoleon defeated in the Battle of Waterloo?


Any historian up to speed on their knowledge of French battles knows Napoleon fell at Waterloo in 1815, and his reputation never recovered.


You chose:

Any historian up to speed on their knowledge of French battles knows Napoleon fell at Waterloo in 1815, and his reputation never recovered.

What insect has the shortest lifespan?


Once hatched, a mayfly will only live for about one day. However, its larvae can survive up to one year. You can find them on the surface of rivers and creeks, but not for very long.


You chose:

Once hatched, a mayfly will only live for about one day. However, its larvae can survive up to one year. You can find them on the surface of rivers and creeks, but not for very long.

Emetophobia is the fear of what?


Nobody likes vomit, but who would have thought the fear had an actual name?


You chose:

Nobody likes vomit, but who would have thought the fear had an actual name?

Who wrote "Around The World In 80 Days"?


Jules Verne first published his popular adventure novel in 1872, and it has been adapted several times for film. 


You chose:

Jules Verne first published his popular adventure novel in 1872, and it has been adapted several times for film. 

Which is the only king in a deck of cards without a mustache?


If you've never examined your deck of cards before, you should now, because you'll notice that the King of Hearts is the only king without any facial hair in a standard deck.


You chose:

If you've never examined your deck of cards before, you should now, because you'll notice that the King of Hearts is the only king without any facial hair in a standard deck.

What is the dot above a lowercase "i" or "j" called?


If you've never even heard of this word before, a tittle is literally what the dot above the "i" and "j" is called. All of those other weird words are real symbols as well!


You chose:

If you've never even heard of this word before, a tittle is literally what the dot above the "i" and "j" is called. All of those other weird words are real symbols as well!

What are the names of the two stone lions outside of the New York Public Library called?


The lions, Patience and Fortitude, were named by Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia in 1930 after qualities that he felt all New Yorkers needed to perservere throught the economic depression. 


You chose:

The lions, Patience and Fortitude, were named by Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia in 1930 after qualities that he felt all New Yorkers needed to perservere throught the economic depression. 

Which poison do apple seeds contain?


Little known fact - apple seeds contain a very small amount of cyanide. Eating them won't cause you any harm, but it's better to be safe than sorry.


You chose:

Little known fact - apple seeds contain a very small amount of cyanide. Eating them won't cause you any harm, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

What was the name of the pig in charge in George Orwell's Animal Farm?


Orwell named the leader pig Napoleon, and he's modeled after the famous Soviet dictator Josef Stalin. Napoleon and Stalin share many of the same political views in this allegorical tale.


You chose:

Orwell named the leader pig Napoleon, and he's modeled after the famous Soviet dictator Josef Stalin. Napoleon and Stalin share many of the same political views in this allegorical tale.

The world's deepest trench, The Marianna Trench, is located in which ocean?


You never know what you might find in the Pacific's deepest trench, but scientists have likened the ocean's deepest dwellers to aliens.


You chose:

You never know what you might find in the Pacific's deepest trench, but scientists have likened the ocean's deepest dwellers to aliens.

At what age did Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Amy Winehouse, and Kurt Kobain all die?


These rock and roll legends are members of the infamous "27 club" because they all died at the age of 27. It's both an honor and a tragedy to be a indicted into this group. 


You chose:

These rock and roll legends are members of the infamous "27 club" because they all died at the age of 27. It's both an honor and a tragedy to be a indicted into this group. 

What does the "E" stand for in Chuck E. Cheese?


If you're well-versed in your Chuck E. Cheese history, you'll know that the fun-loving rat's middle name is Entertainment because of all the joy he brings to kids' birthday parties.


You chose:

If you're well-versed in your Chuck E. Cheese history, you'll know that the fun-loving rat's middle name is Entertainment because of all the joy he brings to kids' birthday parties.

Which grunge band released their debut album "Bleach" in 1989?


If you've ever heard "Blew" or "Love Buzz," you'll be able to identify Nirvana's debut in seconds. This album put the band on the map and made room for hits like "Smells LIke Teen Spirit" and "Come As You Are" before Kurt Cobain's untimely death.


You chose:

If you've ever heard "Blew" or "Love Buzz," you'll be able to identify Nirvana's debut in seconds. This album put the band on the map and made room for hits like "Smells LIke Teen Spirit" and "Come As You Are" before Kurt Cobain's untimely death.

Which planet's moons are named after Shakespeare characters?


Some of Uranus's moons are named Puck, Titania, and Oberon after "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Others come from "The Tempest." Whoever coined them must have been a real literature buff.


You chose:

Some of Uranus's moons are named Puck, Titania, and Oberon after "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Others come from "The Tempest." Whoever coined them must have been a real literature buff.

What does the Air Force's Project Blue Book study?


It's true, the Air Force has a special project dedicated to studying what could be real Unidentified Flying Objects. The project was launched in 1952 and has been active ever since.


You chose:

It's true, the Air Force has a special project dedicated to studying what could be real Unidentified Flying Objects. The project was launched in 1952 and has been active ever since.

In the human body, what part is the hallux?


You probably didn't think there was an official term for your big toe, but it's called the hallux and it's also the spot where a person is most  likely to develop bunions.


You chose:

You probably didn't think there was an official term for your big toe, but it's called the hallux and it's also the spot where a person is most  likely to develop bunions.

What play was Abraham Lincoln watching at the time of his assassination?


Lincoln was watching "Our American Cousin" with his wife at the Fords Theater at the time of his death. Unfortunately no one in the theater got to see how it ends.


You chose:

Lincoln was watching "Our American Cousin" with his wife at the Fords Theater at the time of his death. Unfortunately no one in the theater got to see how it ends.

The Egyptian symbol "Ouroboros" depicts a symbol eating what?


The image of a serpent eating its own tail has been depicted across cultures for centuries, and represents the theory of "infinity."


You chose:

The image of a serpent eating its own tail has been depicted across cultures for centuries, and represents the theory of "infinity."

Which cartoonist animated The Far Side Gallery?


Fans of 1980s comic strips will recognize Gary Larson's signature style in The Far Side Gallery. He's considered one of the best cartoonists to date, with his simple, deadpan humor and sketchy drawing style.


You chose:

Fans of 1980s comic strips will recognize Gary Larson's signature style in The Far Side Gallery. He's considered one of the best cartoonists to date, with his simple, deadpan humor and sketchy drawing style.

Who is tied with Cloris Leachman for most Emmys won by a female actor?


You probably know Leachman from one of her more recent roles in "Raising Hope," but "Seinfeld" and "VEEP" star Julia Louis-Dreyfus is on her tail for most Emmy awards racked up. Both have won eight awards total.


You chose:

You probably know Leachman from one of her more recent roles in "Raising Hope," but "Seinfeld" and "VEEP" star Julia Louis-Dreyfus is on her tail for most Emmy awards racked up. Both have won eight awards total.

What is the name of Donald Duck's sister?


Della Duck is Donald's twin sister and mother to his nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie Duck, though she isn't featured in many cartoons.


You chose:

Della Duck is Donald's twin sister and mother to his nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie Duck, though she isn't featured in many cartoons.

In a game of pool, what color is the 1 ball?


Next time you rack up a game of billiards, pay attention to the yellow ball. 


You chose:

Next time you rack up a game of billiards, pay attention to the yellow ball. 

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The More You Know

  • Your dog knows when someone isn't trustworthy.
  • LEGO has an underground vault with every set ever made.
  • A cow-bison hybrid is called a "beefalo."
  • Beavers have transparent eyelids so they can see underwater.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.