Remember When These Celebrities Had Cameos in Hit Music Videos?

Rupert Grint

Yep, the entire Golden Trio has made some sort of music video cameo. Arguably, Rupert Grint's was the best because he played an Ed Sheeran superfan, and it didn't hurt that they kind of resemble each other. Grint appeared in Sheeran's "Lego House" video, and in turn, Sheeran is seen dressed as Ron Weasley for Halloween.

Living Off the Grid

Despite his musical popularity, Sheeran lives a fiercely private life. He married his longtime girlfriend Cherry Seaborn last year without fans knowing, and announced the birth of their daughter this year, again without anyone knowing his wife was pregnant. He pops in and out of social media as he pleases.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.