Have you been experiencing economic distress and don't know where your pet's next meal is going to be coming from? Keep reading, people are here to help.
It has been just over four months since America started to really react to the devastating disease that is COVID-19. With over 100,000 Americans dead from the illness, coupled with the haphazard treatment of the "re-opening of America," despite the country not reaching the bare minimum of CDC recommendations to return to business as usual, the coronavirus is not going away any time soon.
So, with record unemployment numbers, which even farther separate the wage gap between privileged and underprivileged communities of color, household pets have been taking a massive hit along with their owners.
American Humane has devised a way to combat that.
For those who don't know, American Humane (also known as the Humane Society) is the oldest and largest animal rights organization in the United States.
They have started a fund called "Feed the Hungry", which has been endorsed by many high profile individuals including Robert DeNiro and Ariel Winter, to feed animals that have been displaced and disproportionately affected by the economic strain that came with the American pandemic response.
Feed the Hungry has already collected 345,000 meals out of their one million meal goal. On top of collecting meals for displaced and underprivileged pets, they are also donating kitty litter, leashes, accessories, toys, and medical supplies to pets/shelters in need.
Any animal lover can contribute to the cause by visiting the American Humane website and clicking the donate link at https://americanhumane.org.