Adventure Time
Created in 2010, this show follows a twelve-year-old boy named Finn and his magical dog, Jake, as they roam the Land of Ooo battling evil and solving the city's problems. Their biggest rival, the Ice King, searches for a wife throughout the series and sets his sights on Finn's friend Princess Bubblegum. The duo makes some friends along the way who help them protect the Princess.
Dexter's Laboratory
Debuting in 2005, this show follows child genius Dexter and his adventures in his lab. His older sister, Deedee doesn't share his smarts but loves to play around with his snazzy new inventions, which he whips up easily every day. His nemesis, Mandark, is another child genius at his school, Huber Elementary. And of course, Mom and Dad have no clue what's going on behind closed doors.