Most Startling Films Ever Made

A Field in England

This 17th-century story follows a bizarre witch doctor/alchemist and the people he kept hostage to search for buried treasure. One catch, he dosed his slaves with massive amounts of hallucinogenic mushrooms and forces them to work in the sun for long hours–creativity at its finest.

Valhalla Rising

A Viking, nicknamed One-Eye is a ruthless fighter who travels with Christian Crusade fighters to eradicate North American indigenous folk who were, at the time, plagued by dark and violent visions. Tons of guts and decapitations in this flick, if you’re into that sort of thing.

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The More You Know

  • King Charles II drank alcohol mixed with pulverized human skulls.
  • Emperor Nero profited off of human urine.
  • Doctors treated “hysteria” through a “pelvic finger massage.”
  • Humans shed 18 kg of skin in their lifetime.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.