Life Hacks That Actually Work

If You Don't Have a Funnel, Use This

Not everyone has a funnel for oil changes, but this trick will work. Place a screwdriver in the hole and then pour the oil along the metal part of the tool. This will help guide the oil into the container, minimizing the amount of spillage! It's pretty foolproof if you go slowly.

Productivity Pro-Tip

If you want to have the most successful and production-filled day, use the Pomodoro technique. This technique is pretty simple: Plan your tests. Do a test (uninterrupted and undistracted!) for 25 minutes. Then, take a 5-minute break. Do this four more times (work 25 minutes, 5-minute break) and then take a longer break (usually 15-30 minutes.) If you're subjected to work-from-home life, this is a great technique! 

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