Hollywood's Most Iconic and Controversial Movie Costumes

 Batman in Batman & Robin 

For some reason, Batman has nipples showing through his suit. Naturally, everyone thought it was bizarre and hilarious that his nipples would somehow poke through his bullet-proof suit. Director Joel Schumacher claimed that the addition of the nipples was intended to mimic the statues of Greek gods. Sure, Joel.

Quicksilver in X-Men

Quicksilver makes an appearance in both Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron and the Fox versions of the X-Men movies. Marvel chose to stick with the comic book look, but the Fox filmmakers decided to give him a makeover. Most comic book fans were outraged by the quirky and dorky costume design. 

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The More You Know

  • The smallest unit of measurement in the universe is the Planck length.
  • The horse on the Wyoming license plate is named Steamboat.
  • The world's largest Barbie collection includes more than 15,000 dolls.
  • After Hitler ordered the deportation of Denmark's Jewish population, Danish citizens organized a massive evacuation of the Jews to neutral Sweden, despite the risks. In the end, 99% of Danish Jews survived the Holocaust.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.