Hilarious Accidental Camouflage Moments Caught On Camera

Where's Mom?

This mother's headscarf concealed her perfectly into her environment. Unfortunately, kids will be kids and they did end up finding mom to bother her. Mom's never getting a break!

Damask Galore

Damask is a pretty old and tired design, so it's pretty weird to see this happen at all anyway. This girl doesn't look too upset at the fact that her fashion faux pax is being photographed. 

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The More You Know

  • A Boeing 747 airliner is made of over 6,000,000 separate parts.
  • Only two national flags have the color purple on them.
  • Great white sharks are so scared of killer whales that they'll avoid an area for up to a year after spotting one.
  • You can major in wine at Cornell University.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.