Town Raises Money for Little Girl's Liver Transplant

Marci Dickerson from Las Cruces began the nonprofit Revolution 120 (R-120), but she never knew it would have this impact. About 3 weeks ago, R-120 received a letter from local citizen Cherie Sisneros, whose baby girl is supposed to be receiving a new liver, but has no way to get to the hospital out in Salt Lake City. Marci knew R-120 would be the best way to help with the urgent need. 

Thanks to donations, about $11,000 was raised for the family in a relatively short time period. While this was exceptional, it wasn't enough to buy a transport vehicle. That's about when Sisbarro Buick-GMC stepped up to the plate. Using only $5,000 of the donation, the dealership was able to provide the family with a vehicle big enough to take them to Salt Lake City. 

The remaining $6,000 will be used to cover living expenses while Sisneros and 2-year-old Kezia move closer to Primary Children’s Hospital. That's not all they got from the people of Las Cruces. They also received automobile insurance, an additional $2,500, and safe new top-of-the-line car seats for the youngest children. It was a miracle before a miracle.

Dickerson is glad to have taken part in the fundraising. In a statement, she said, "We want to do everything we can for that little girl and her family as they navigate this move and the procedure to save her life. We invite the community to come to the car show to meet the family and make additional donations if they are so inclined."

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