Awkward Family Photos That Will Not Disappoint

Flotation Devices

You might think this lady is just gifted with large flotation devices, but look closer.

That's right, those aren't just furry sweater puppies you see there! Those are her twin babies heads popping up in her selfie.

Wild Cousins

When you haven't seen your favorite cousins in a long time.

But, they show up to the house looking a little more developed than they did the last time you saw them. Always need the cousin pictures to remember the glow ups!

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The More You Know

  • Water makes different pouring sounds depending on its temperature.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. had a C in public speaking.
  • There's a shrimp-like creature that makes aluminum armor to protect itself.
  • In 1945, Dwight D. Eisenhower predicted that people would try to dispel the holocaust as a falsehood, and ordered all possible photographs taken of the Nazi crimes to hinder any such attempts.
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