"Advanced Dungeons and Dragons" - Community
Netflix and Hulu, two popular streaming platforms that have hosted Community, decided to completely remove a season two episode titled "Advances Dungeons and Dragons." In the episode, Chang (played by Ken Jeong) arrives at the high-stakes game of D&D wearing black makeup, elf ears, and a dark robe. Shirley (played by Yvette Nicole Brown) points out the makeup by saying, "So we're just going to ignore this hate crime?" in which Chang responds, "I'm a dark elf."
"Snuffy's Parents Get a Divorce" - Sesame Street
Sesame Street was all about teaching children life lessons in an easily digestible way. This episode talked about divorce, but it was never aired because the testing group didn't pass. Apparently, the children didn't understand the core message so the episode was never approved.