Consider Moving To One of These 50 Countries If You're an American on a Budget


Located between China and India, Nepal's greatest selling point is that it's home to Mount Everest. With a population of 31 million people, it's one of the world's poorest countries. However, the US dollar would stretch here. Rent is 96% cheaper. 


Bordered by Romania and Ukraine, this former Soviet nation is unfortunately constantly dealing with poverty and unemployment. While there is a bustling wine industry, it hasn't been doing extremely well lately. Here, rent is 92% cheaper. 

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The More You Know

  • People don’t sneeze in their sleep due to their brain shutting down the reflex.
  • The world's oldest operating library is in Morocco.
  • Mount Everest is bigger now than the last time it was measured.
  • If you ate nothing but rabbit meat, you would die from protein poisoning.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.