Eating Ice Cream Doesn't Make Your Illnesses Worse
For some reason, people have perpetuated the myth that ice cream will worsen respiratory illnesses like colds and cases of flu. Ice cream doesn't just help sore throats, but the protein and sugar in the ice cream will replace lost calories from lack of appetite. Also, dairy doesn't increase mucous production, contrary to popular belief.
Sugar is Not as Addictive as Opiates
In 2009, a book called "Fat Chance" was released by a man named Dr. Robert Lustig. In this book, Lustig compares the pleasure derived from eating sugary treats to experiencing a dopamine response from consuming heroin. This was theorized through the use of neuroimagery, which has proven to be wildly inaccurate when it comes to determining brain activity spikes caused by substances. No, sugar is not as addictive as heroin, and that assumption is a tone-deaf one.