Celebrities That Served In the Military Before Hollywood Fame

Elvis Presley

When the war hit, Elvis Presley wanted to be on the front lines with the rest of civilization. The King of Rock n’ Roll served in the U.S Army as a regular soldier. However, he was offered the opportunity to take a comfortable position as a performer for the other troops. He denied the laid-back role, and this move earned him a lot of respect among the other military men. 

Ed McMahon

Ed McMahon was once the voice that opened “The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson” but he wasn't always a sideshow host. He originally started his career in the U.S Marine Corps as a fighter pilot. Afterward, he went to the Catholic University of America to study drama and speech, and he has supported the university in the years since. His career spanned for an impressive 25 years.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.