Can You Spot The Hidden Meanings in These Company Logos?

Eighty 20 

Market data research doesn't have to be boring. This company managed to incorporate the binary-code into the spelling of its name. By utilizing the blue squares in the design as being equal to one and the gray squares is equal to zero, that means that 1010000 (80) is the top line, while 0010100 (20) is the bottom. A lot of work for a very niche joke...

Sun Microsystems

Previously owned and operated by Oracle, Sun Microsystems was once a major computer manufacturing plant. Here's something that's pretty impressive though, the logo. The design is a perfect anagram and can be read in any direction. Try it out! Also, take note that the logo doesn't actually include an "S" anywhere. Creativity at it's finest...

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The More You Know

  • The "Like" button on Facebook was supposed to be the "Awesome" button.
  • Arkansas hosts the annual World Championship Duck Calling Contest.
  • Muhammad is the most popular name in the world.
  • For 67 consecutive years, Mary was America's most popular female baby name. Linda broke the streak in 1947.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.