The Most Iconic Inventions of the 2010s

Coolest Cooler

This was known as the most popular Kickstarter campaign ever. The founders raised over $13 million on the website in 2014. The cooler had everything you would need for a perfect beach day. Unfortunately, it's no longer for sale as the company totally tanked. They didn't deliver the 60,000 coolers they had recieved orders for, and they partnered with Amazon to put it on the website before sending it to the people who initially invested. Rough.


Most anti-smoking campaigns have their eyes set on vaping, especially Juuls. They were realesed in 2017 to "help" people quit smoking cigarettes. Now, a bunch of teenagers are addicted to the vapes as they have nicotine in them. Win some, lose some.

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The More You Know

  • If you take all the letters from the word "wizard" and swap them with opposite letters (a->z, b->y), it spells wizard backwards.
  • You can major in wine at Cornell University.
  • The oceans contain 200,000 different kinds of viruses.
  • Holding a sneeze can be dangerous.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.