Believe It Or Not, These Aren't Actually Design Flaws

Tiny Buttons on Jeans

What's the deal with tiny buttons all over jeans? They've been on every pair of pants you've probably ever owned. Just like that fifth pocket, it dates back to the Gold Rush era. The rivets were telling of when it was time to mend pants before they tore. 

The Diamond Decal on Backpacks

This decal isn't a logo, it's actually meant for tying rope or other gear on the outside of the bag instead of takig up space inside. The slashes are called Lash Tabs and always come in handy for backpackers or hikers.

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The More You Know

  • In the late 1600s, London was plagued by an attacker who would spank his victims with a rod and shout "Spanko!" before running away.
  • If you accidentally got permanent marker on a piece of furniture, don't lose hope just yet. Using a small dab of non-gel toothpaste, rub the marker stain in a circular motion with a soft cloth and it should buff right out.
  • Mr. and Mrs. came from the words master and mistress.
  • Commercial flights were allowed to fly any course to their destination and would often detour over points of interest. This ended in 1956 when two planes crashed mid-flight over the Grand Canyon.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.